In our grammar study, I wanted Sprite to make a handy reference for the parts of speech. So to make it more interesting than a mere list, I gave her a multi-colored layered book.
As we studied, she filled in the information and labeled the tabs.
And there it is — a colorful and useful reference which we turn to again and again. It somehow seems more powerful for a child to refer to her own reference book than using an English manual.
So don’t forget the many uses of minibooks. Even if you don’t like lapbooks, a minibook here and there can be a creative addition to your homeschool curriculum.
If you like my approach to teaching language arts here, you may also be interested in my very modestly priced eBooks shown below. One is specifically about language arts while Notebooking Success applies to any academic area.
Kris says
I *love* that idea! I hope you’ll consider submitting it to the Homeschool Showcase. 😉
Shannon says
Terrific idea! I’m filing it away for when I begin “formal” grammar with my son next year.
Christie says
Excellent! I think I have some of these made up from when I THOUGHT we would lapbook…. Great idea.
Lori says
Great idea! I’d never thought of using the mini-books in this way. Something to consider doing with all of the *extras* we always seem to have left over.
Jeanne says
Cool! I like this!
EEEEMommy says
I hadn’t thought of mini-books, but I recently started making notebook pages of the parts of speech with my girls. It’s amazing how adding some color (underlining with colored pencils, putting a colored box around the definitions…) made a huge difference to them!! They’d enjoy mini books even more!!
Leah says
Great idea! I sometimes forget about mini books for anything besides lapbooking, but this is a neat creative use!
Belinda says
Jimmie, I got here through HOTM. Another great gem–you are a veritable storehouse of creative wisdom! Keep it coming!
.-= Belinda´s last blog ..Weekly Homeschool Wrap-up–July 26, 2009 =-.
Jimmie says
Gee, Belinda! That’s some compliment!
Lindsey says
I love this idea. I’m going to be teaching English at a home-schooling co-op this year, and I’ll definitely be using this for the 3-5th graders!
Peggi says
I am new to Pinterest . I don’t get completely how it works. Is this all we see of your speech book? Or is there a way to see inside the book?
Gaye Marianes Foc says
Hi Jimmie,
This is a great idea! Did you just fold 5 or so pieces of colored paper to make this tiered? I’d like to copy it.
Thanks for sharing,
Jimmie Lanley says
Yes, folded and stapled in the fold.