In 2014 I gave my kitchen a major renovation. The entire room—linoleum to cabinets—was the original design from when the house was built in 1972. Although I never saw this kitchen back then, I could easily tell I was looking at the original design from hints like the orange hexagon pattern on the flooring and […]
Modeling the Lifegiving Habit of Giving Back
I was compensated for my time to create this message. I am a long-time Lifeblood donor, and think everyone who can should donate blood. It’s a new season of life for me! My daughter is in college, and I’m finally—for the very first time in my entire life—living alone. I’m an empty nester! (Well, partially. […]
Living Math with Factors, Multiples, and Primes
Our latest arithmetic topic has been factors, multiples, and primes. We used our Singapore math textbook and workbook as a supplement to these activities which formed the meat of the lessons. It wasn’t a very linear study. We skipped around somewhat, revisiting topics from different angles to really cement the understanding. Paper and Pencil Identifying […]
30 Non-Boring Ways to Practice Spelling Words
Spelling is not one of the most exciting of subjects, but it can be fun by using a variety of these thirty ways to practice your words. (This post contains affiliate links.) WRITE IN 1. write in sand, salt, sugar, or flour (best with a bold background beneath) 2. write in shaving cream 3. write in […]