Here are blog posts (or other online articles) that answer questions about Charlotte Mason homeschooling. This is the nitty-gritty, where I share how I actually use CM in the course of our homeschool.
Doubts & Absolutes
A. Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Gaps?
Q. What about those times when we just can’t do nature study (or something else)?
A. Seasons and Balance in Homeschooling
Q. Is Charlotte Mason really enough?
Q. How do the children piece all this information from living books into a cohesive picture?
A. Implementing Charlotte Mason Basics
Q. Do you agree 100% with everything CM said?
A. Sorry, Miss Mason, We Must Part Ways
Q. Why did you choose the CM style of homeschool?
A. Top Ten Reasons I Chose a CM Homeschool
Q. How do you know when you are veering from a CM style?
A. Falling Off the Charlotte Mason Wagon
CM and Other Approaches
Q. How does hands-on learning fit into CM?
A. Crafts and Hands-on Activities from a CM Perspective
Q. Is CM a unit study approach?
A. Unit Studies and Charlotte Mason
Q. How does lapbooking fit into a Charlotte Mason homeschool?
A. Lapbooking and Charlotte Mason
Q. Does notebooking fit into a Charlotte Mason homeschool?
A. Article at The Notebooking Fairy: Did Charlotte Mason Espouse Notebooking?
About Curriculum Choices & Living Books
Q. What is a curriculum spine?
A. Read this article at HubPages: What is a Curriculum Spine?
Q. What are living books?
A. What makes a book a living book.
Q. Where can I find living books?
A. Article at Wizzley: How to Find Living Books
Q. What are your favorite CM websites?
A. My Top Ten Charlotte Mason Websites.
Q. What are your favorite free books?
A. Top Ten Public Domain Books for a Charlotte Mason Homeschool
Q. What do I need for a CM homeschool?
A. Top Ten Charlotte Mason Must Haves
About Music, Art, and Nature
Q. Should you require a student to study art and music when he really dislikes it?
A. Requiring Art and Music Study
Q. Why should Christians especially have nature study?
A. Nature Study– the Duty of Christians
About Language Arts
Q. How do you plan and organize writing assignments?
Q. How do you incorporate poetry?
A. Poetry in our CM Homeschool
Q. When should children stop using picture books?
A. Pictures Books for Middle School
Q. What about copywork?
About Living Math & Science
Q. Where do you store your hands-on math tools?
Q. What is living math like?
A. Living Math is Not Quick or Neat
Q. How is living math working for you?
Q. How does a Charlotte Mason science unit look?